No Plastic Bag Day (4th August 2014)
MarketPlace by City Mart is starting our annual “No Plastic Bag Day” campaign again as part of our CSR’s environmental platform efforts. This year, No Plastic Bag Day will be extended to the last Mondays and Wednesdays of each month starting from the 4th August – 31st December 2014.
Plastic Bags Are Harmful To The Environment Because . . .
They Litter The Landscape
Each year, more and more bags are littering our environment. Once they become litter, they find their way into our waterways, parks, beaches and streets. And if they are burned, they infuse the air with toxic fumes.
They Kill Animals
About 100,000 animals such as dolphins, turtles and whales are killed every year due to plastic bags because the animals mistaken the bags as food and mistakenly ingests them and therefore the animals die.
They Are Non-Biodegradable
One of the worst environmental effects is plastic bags are non-biodegradable. The decomposition takes 400 years! No one lives long enough to witness the decomposition therefore, save the environment for the future generation!
Petroleum Is Required To Produce Plastic Bags
Surely, this precious resource which we use in our everyday lives (and getting more and more expensive by the day) should not be wasted on producing plastic bags, right?
Say No to plastic bags today!
Every last Mondays and Wednesdays of the month (28th July – 31st December 2014)
• On No Plastic Bag days, plastic bags will be sold at 100Ks per bag
• 50% from the sales of our Reusable Bags and the sales of plastic bags will be donated to efforts to save the environment in our country.

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