Whistle Blowing Policy and Reporting Tool

Guideline for Whistleblowing​

Welcome to our online whistleblower reporting platform. We are committed to ensuring that our companies maintain the highest standards of integrity and ethics. This platform allows you to report concerns anonymously, ensuring your safety and protection.

Anonymous Reporting Tool

  1.  Begin Your Report: Click the link below to start the reporting process.​
  2.  Provide Details: Please provide as much information as possible about the matter in question, including the relevant date, location, and individuals (if any) involved.​
  3.  Stay Anonymous: This system is designed to protect your identity. We do not track your IP address or collect any identifying information unless you choose to disclose it in your report.​
  4.  Follow-up: You will receive a log-in that you can use to check the status of your report and receive updates as necessary. You need to regularly log-in to monitor your report as the system will not automatically update you on your report to ensure your anonymity is preserved.

Thank you for your commitment to upholding our organisation's values and ethics. Your courage in reporting is essential in maintaining a healthy and ethical environment. We take all reports reported in good faith seriously, and together, we can ensure a safer and more transparent future for our group and our wider community.

Please click here use the online whistleblowing tool for reporting.

Important Note : The process is entirely anonymous, and your report will be treated confidentially.